Published Online: December 13, 2017
Author Details
( * ) denotes Corresponding author
Purpose: We aim to explore critical capability concerns or the success factors of privately owned small and medium level educational institutes operating in Peshawar, Rawalpindi, and Islamabad cities of Pakistan.
Methodology: The mixed method approach (qualitative and quantitative) is used employing two studies. In study-1, the qualitative data was collected through face to face interviews involving 38 school owners. Analysis of qualitative responses provided 18 organizational capability factors that were believed pivotal for entrepreneurial success in school education. In study-2, we aim to assess the relationship between organizational capabilities (independent variable) with school performance (dependent variable). Organizational capabilities were measured using 18 items comprising of capability factors determined in study-1. School performance was measured using 8 items instrument adapted from existing literature. All items were rated on a 5 point Likert scale using a sample of 186 individual teachers, managers, and owners of schools. Stepwise regression analysis was used for the purpose of data analysis.
Findings: Results indicate that there is a significant positive correlation between organizational capability and the school performance. Financial resources, working environment, and energy crises are the critical capability concerns which if addressed well could contribute to the entrepreneurial success and school performance.
Limitations: The study is conducted only in three cities of Pakistan. The sample size for the questionnaire is limited to 186 respondents and interview to 38 respondents only. Cross-section design is used because of the time and resource limitations.
Implications: The study has important implications for school entrepreneurs, teachers, academicians, researchers, and policy makers. The capability concerns or the success factors validated here can be used effectively to improve the students’ learning and the school performance. Policymakers need to consider these important elements while devising policies. Researchers may undertake further research with large samples and diverse cultures to validate the effectiveness of these variables. Longitudinal and experimental designs may also be employed. Teachers may consider the importance of teaching quality, work environment, and other elements tested here to improve the school performance and learning for students.
Originality: The combination of independent variables or the capability concerns for school success used here have rarely been used to the best of our knowledge. The study is conducted in three cities of Pakistan – a developing country; so the cultural context is really important, especially when the country is largely impacted by shortage of electricity which has unique impacts on school performance.
School Entrepreneurs, School Performance, Private Educational Institutions, Energy Crisis, Financial Resources, Work Environment, Pakistan.