Published Online: December 13, 2017
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Purpose: The present research is an attempt to develop and validate a construct to measure individual spirituality orientations.
Design/Methodology/Approach: In the present study, the scale development steps, as suggested by Slavec & Drnovšek (2012), are grouped into three phases. The first phase comprises of theoretical importance and existence of the construct (content domain specification, item pool generation, and content validity evaluation); second phase highlights the representativeness and appropriateness of data collection; and third phase comprises of statistical analysis and statistical evidence of the construct (testing of reliability and validity, establishment of norms). In second phase, a sample of 300 associates was taken from different organizations to validate the questionnaire. In third phase, criterion referencing norms were developed using a sample of 1020 managers working at senior, middle, and lower management levels in private and public sector organizations ranging between the ages of 21 to 65 years using systematic sampling.
Findings: Literature was reviewed extensively and three factors were synthesized. These factors were: (1) Self – Actualization (values held by individuals with no ulterior motives that guides his/her life); (2) Spiritual Practices (practices such as attending spiritual preaching, meditating, reading scriptures, etc.); and (3) Spiritual Beliefs (cognitive content of spiritual perspective). A questionnaire of 9 items was standardized on a sample of 300 managers working at different levels in various organizations. This questionnaire was validated using Confirmatory Factor Analysis. Composite reliability scores and values of Cronbach’s Alpha suggested that measure is reliable and stable. Also, convergent and discriminant validity were established. Criterion reference norms were developed on a sample of 1020 managers based on gender, age, and marital status.
Research Limitations: Since the study is conducted in India, its applicability is limited to other countries. The finding of this study, therefore, may not have universal applicability. Further studies in different cultural contexts are needed to confirm the scale’s psychometric properties in other settings as well.
Managerial Implications: The use of Individual Spirituality Orientations Scale may help assess level of spiritual orientations of an individual and future studies may use this to find their relationships with individual behavioural outcomes and organizational outcomes.
Individual Spirituality Orientations, Self-Actualization, Spiritual Practices, Spiritual Beliefs.