Published Online: January 07, 2017
Author Details
( * ) denotes Corresponding author
Purpose: This paper is an attempt to study the impact of social media marketing on cognitive memory and development process among Indian youth. Further, the connectivity of digital marketing via social media tools on the cognitive development process of youths, information search behaviour and mind transformation are observed (Agarwal, 2013). Alternatively, we can say – “Can social media marketing bring any new transformation in their thought process and information search process with respect to marketing than to the traditional marketing tools?” (Ting & Rashied, 2015).
Methodology: The primary research is intended to understand and describe the cognitive development process of youth with respect to social media marketing in four metro cities namely Delhi, Mumbai, Calcutta, and Chennai. Online survey is conducted and justified sampling was used to collect the online responses from online population of specified age group. The descriptive research is based on the responses received from the 75 respondents.
Research Limitations: The justified sampling is done therefore, there is a possibility of hopping few crucial respondents who are not included in the survey. The online survey showed poor responses in terms of questionnaires emailed and rate of response and time taken by the respondents to revert back.
Practical Implication: The findings can be used by the digital marketers and researchers for understanding impact of digital media on young consumers further for tapping various segments and strata i.e., gender, education level, economic class, area, culture, etc.
Originality: The descriptive research is an original work not submitted anywhere for publication or paper presentation. The citations and references are used and due credit is given to the authors wherever required in this text.
Cognitive Development, SNSs, Social Media Marketing, Social Media Advertising, Web Contents.