Journal Press India®

Vol 17 , Issue 2 , July - December 2016 | Pages: 57-73 | Research Paper

Relative Contribution of Knowledge Technology Towards Knowledge Capture

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Mohnish Kumar, Assistant Professor, Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar College, University of Delhi, Delhi, India (

Purose: This paper tries to investigate the relationship as well as impact of Knowledge Technology (hard factor) along with leadership, organizational culture (soft factors) and their relative
contribution especially Knowledge Technology towards Knowledge Capture. 
Design/Methodology/Approach: A questionnaire consisting of four psychometric instruments has been provided to respondents i.e., to workers and managers spread across various functional groups, managerial levels from six selected organizations operating in different sectors of the Indian economy. A total of 204 fully-filled questionnaires have been received both personally and through emails and digital forms. Data, regarding different aspects of Knowledge Worker viz., their leaders’ behaviors, organizational culture, Knowledge Technology, and Knowledge Capture were collected using questionnaire as given in appendix. Data was statistically treated and analyzed using SPSS software package to obtain results for the stated purpose of the study. 
Findings: Out of the four principal components of leaders’ behaviors, mainly two categories of leadership behaviors viz., democratic practices and expectancy pressure of a leader significantly influence the Knowledge Capture. The Knowledge Technology and organizational culture also influence the Knowledge Capture. However, Knowledge Technology and Leadership play significant but secondary role in the Knowledge Capture, whereas Organizational Culture play primary role in the Knowledge Capture. Laziness of employees and expectancy pressure of a leader have significant negative contribution towards Knowledge Capture. The soft factors influence Knowledge Capture more than hard factor.
Research Limitations/Implications: The findings of this research study are relevant only to culture specific so its applicability beyond Indian subcontinents may not be exact. The study tries to investigate the Knowledge Capture in six organizations operating in different sectors to make it more generalized though; the survey method has its own lacuna. Apart from its limitations, being an empirical research on Knowledge Capture in India, the academicians as well as the practitioners may find it relevant and useful where there is dearth of literature on Knowledge Capture.
Practical Implications: Knowledge Workers prefer more democratic leadership practices in the dimension of Knowledge Capture with specific Knowledge Technology as per their requirements. Leaders should avoid expecting too much from the employees rather a leader should sit together with the employees and jointly set the targets. Incorporation of Knowledge Technology (user idiosyncrasy, contextuality of Knowledge, and intimate connectivity between knowledge and user) is more important for Knowledge Capture. The organizations need to incorporate some incentive schemes for this specific Knowledge Management dimension to avoid laziness of Knowledge Workers. 
Originality/Value: This research study tried to incorporate the most demanding aspect of Knowledge Management involving an integrated, multi-disciplinary, and systematic investigation on Knowledge Capture with relatively unique method. Its findings are quite relevant as there is hardly any study on Knowledge Management in India, in general, and Knowledge Capture, in particular, involving hard and soft factors together.


Knowledge Management, Knowledge Capture, Leadership, Organizational Culture, Knowledge Technology, India.

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