Journal Press India®

Vol 17 , Issue 2 , July - December 2016 | Pages: 29-44 | Research Paper

Challenges Records Managers Face in Adhering to Ethical Practices in Tanzania’s Government Ministries

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Julius Tunsaje Tweve, Senior Lecturer, Tumaini University, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, United Republic of

Purpose: The overall objective of this study was to investigate challenges records managers face in adhering to ethical practices in information services provision in Tanzania’s government ministries. Specifically, the study examined the awareness of ethical challenges, causes of the challenges and mechanism for enforcing records managers adherence to ethical practices. The study adopted the Deontological theory and educators’ conceptual model to undertake the study. 
Design/Research Methodology: To achieve the set objectives, the study used a mixed-methods for research design to collect requisite data, which allowed it to collect both qualitative and quantitative data. The study population consisted of records managers, information and/or registry users and human resources officers. The quantitative data were analysed using Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS), whereas qualitative data were subjected to content analysis.
The Findings: The findings of the study established a number of ethical challenges records managers face in information services provision. Some of the challenges are lack of code of ethics for records managers, unauthorised access to records, inadequate of integrity, and lack of impartiality. In addition, the study has also presented strategies or mechanisms that can be used to enforce records managers’ adherence to ethical practices. The mechanisms are based on two main areas namely the need for further training and introduction of code of ethics for records managers.
Research Limitations: The accuracy of the data presentation and analysis is dependent upon the accuracy of the data reported by selected respondents in the selected Government Ministries.
Practical Implications: Based on the research findings the study concludes that information ethics is a critical factor not only for fostering quality decision-making, planning, and making informed choices but also for getting rid of records management malpractices currently dogging the public sector. Moreover, timely access to code of ethics among professionals contributes to work ethically. As general code of ethics for public servants in Tanzania’s public service has some shortcomings, it is recommended that a viable code of ethics be introduced to plug loopholes in addition to increasing the education for records managers to foster ethical practices in records management practices.
Originality/Value: It is evidently proved through literature review that this study is the first to address ethical practices of records managers in Tanzania. It offers a beneficial source of information to the professionals in Tanzania.


Records Management, Ethical Practices and Challenges Records Managers Face.

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