Journal Press India®

Vol 17 , Issue 2 , July - December 2016 | Pages: 1-15 | Research Paper

The Assessment of the Concept of Work-life Balance in Private Health Institutions: A Case of Aicc Hospital in Arusha, Tanzania

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * John Isaac Mwita, Senior Lecturer, Tumaini University, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, United Republic of
2. John Rexford Nzira, HR Manager, Intel School, Arusha, Tanzania, United Republic of

Purpose: TO  identify employees’ experiences on Work-Life balance and their awareness of Work-Life balance policies in their organization and to know how the management (employer) has considered flexibility as part of employees’ work life balance.
Methodology: The research uses a mixed method approach utilizing both qualitative and quantitative methods. Interviews were used for the qualitative and questionnaire for the quantitative study.
Findings: The objective was to know if the employees were aware of work-life balance policies available at their work place. The study revealed that majority of the employees were not aware if their company had a separate policy for Work-Life balance.
Limitations: The work life balance concept has been tested in the context of a single organization only. Also, the sample size for the questionnaire was very small, only 18 respondents were available.
Implications: The employees should take their time in enquiring about the policies and other practices that concern them so as to understand the management of the organization better. The management should also communicate and educate the employees to make them aware of the policies and different regulations that are present in the organization. Further research is required to exhaust the topic of Work-Life Balance in different sectors using different approaches.
Originality: No such empirical research has been conducted in Tanzania before. Hence, the paper can be said to have a reasonably high degree of originality.


Work-life balance, Work-Life balance Policies, Employer, Employees, Health Institution, Flexible Work Schedule.

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