Journal Press India®

Vol 17 , Issue 1 , January - June 2016 | Pages: 45-54 | Research Paper

Identifying the Relationship between Job Satisfaction, Work Value and Organizational Commitment in Indian Context

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Shib Kumari Singh, Visiting Faculty, School of Studies in Economics, Jiwaji University, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India
2. Gaurav Jaiswal, Assistant Professor, Prestige Institute of Management, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India

Purpose: Employee's Job Satisfaction and Employees Commitment are two widely research areas in each organization. Many researchers in the world conducted useful studies on both these variables,
still this area can be explored more to test the different context. The purpose of the present study is to explore the effect of Job Satisfaction and Work Values on Organisational Commitment.
Approaches: Using convenience sampling, five point likert scale questionnaire has been used to collect the data from the employees of private sector organization. Data of 150 respondents were used for further analysis. Multiple regression test was used to examine the relationship between Job Satisfaction, Work Values and Organisational Commitment. All the liner assumptions were checked before applying the regression test.
Findings: The findings indicate that there is a positive relationship between Job Satisfaction and Employees Commitment; Work values and Employees Commitment.
Practical Implication: The result shows that there is a strong relationship between work value and organization commitment. Modern companies should use it as an strategy and try to inculcate more and more motivational work value in organization so that it may compete with it’s competitors with a strongly committed team.


Employee Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, Work Value

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