Journal Press India®

Vol 17 , Issue 1 , January - June 2016 | Pages: 15-33 | Research Paper

Political Services Marketing for Peaceful World

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Uttam Kumar Datta, Senior Management Counselor, Head of Marketing Management Division, Bangladesh Institute of Management, Sobhanbag, Dhaka, Bangladesh (

Purpose: The aim of this research is to find the scope of using non-profit marketing tools and techniques in politics to win maximum voter-market share peacefully for power as it is found in industry competition for becoming a market leader. This peacefully power transfer will enable the winning
political organization to facilitate all individual marketers, commercial, and social organizational marketers by using government structure in identifying social problems for creating, pricing, communicating and delivering solutions to ensure the desired states of people’s mind and society for problem free peaceful nation and peaceful world in turn.
Design/Methodology/Approach: This study is a descriptive research under conclusive research. Separate linear regression analyses have been conducted on the two sets of survey data from the respective samples to fit two different conceptual models of political services marketing for a peaceful world and marketing tools for a peaceful democracy.
Findings : Two conceptual models have been found fit by regression analyses. In study-1, there is a significant impact of using marketing philosophy in politics on peaceful democracy. In study-2, there is a significant impact of political services marketing on individual, commercial and social marketing for a peaceful world. The attitudes and perceptions of the citizens in the context of study 1 are largely positive in using the political product and its marketing communication for peaceful democracy.
Research Limitations/Implication: It was not possible to include foreign executive voters in the selected samples from multiple countries but respondents of similiar standing were included in both the studies. Therefore the suggestions based on the inferential findings may be applicable for a political reformation in order to create a peaceful political completion in a democracy to facilitate the individuals’ and groups’ marketing.
Practical Implications: All political organizations should adopt marketing policies and strategies to design their political products and marketing programs to take the competitive advantage in order to win power without conflict much like an industry competition taking institutional approach as model.
Originality/Value: This research is much an innovative concept for creating a peaceful democratic competition among political rivals for political reformation instead of age old traditional political practices.


Marketing-tools, Voter-market, Political-reformation , Censor-Board, Cross-functional-Marketing, Sustainable development, Standard of living, Peaceful-world.

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