Journal Press India®

Vol 16 , Issue 2 , July - December 2015 | Pages: 47-57 | Research Paper

Impact of Organizational Culture & Climate on Managerial Effectiveness an Empirical Study

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Manish Madan, Associate Professor, Rukmini Devi Institute of Advanced Studies, New Delhi, Delhi, India (
2. Esha Jain, Assistant Professor, School of Management, G.D. Goenka University, Gurgaon, Haryana, India (

This study aims to draw attention towards the importance of managerial effectiveness and its dependency on variables like organizational climate and culture in the Indian context. In order to achieve the organizational objectives, managers play a vital role as the bridge between the top management and subordinates. Now, in order to achieve the desired objectives of the organization managerial effectiveness is very important. That is why in this study, it is being hypothesized that there is relationship between the managerial effectiveness and organizational culture and climate.
Research Methodology: The study was carried out in different Private and Public sector organizations located in Delhi, India and its NCR (National Capital Region). Data were collected from 100 managers through convenience sampling method. Analysis of the data was done using stepwise multiple regression analysis and t-test.
Findings: Results revealed significant influence of Organizational Climate and Organizational Culture on Managerial Effectiveness of managers of private and public sector undertakings. On the other hand t-test reveals significant difference between managers categorized under public and private sector organizations on all the measured variables.
Research limitations: The effectiveness of managers can be explained by some more factors that may be missed out in this research paper as one person can be effective and satisfied in an organization on a particular aspect while other may or may not be satisfied on that aspect.
Practical Implications: In order to increase the effectiveness of the managers it is necessary to appraise the shortcomings, so, for that there is a need of intervention in those areas where improvement is required. This research paper is helpful in determining the factors influencing the effectiveness of managers.


Managerial Effectiveness, Organizational Culture, Organizational Climate, Public Sector Undertaking and Private Sector organizations.

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