Journal Press India®

Vol 16 , Issue 1 , January - June 2015 | Pages: 109-118 | Research Paper

Pathophysiology of Energy Medicine with Special Reference to Craniofacial Interventions

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Mukul Singh, Assistant Professor & Senior Specialist, Department of Pathology, VMMC & Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi , Delhi, India (
2. Charanjeet Ahluwalia, Assistant Professor & Senior Specialist, Department of Pathology, VMMC & Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi , Delhi, India (

This paper will primarily try to analyse the role of science of energy in treatment of the disease states and balancing energy. This fundamental will be used to validate the the efficacy of craniosacral therapy in the treatment and management of pain    (including migraine), depression and anxiety.
Design/Methodology: The research methodology of the paper involves primary data collection on the basis of study on 30 patients.  They were categorised according to the               engender. In the first sitting a brief history of the patients was taken and they were being asked to rate the magnitude of the pain as per VAS. On the basis of information given, a complete diagnosis was made and treatment was started. Patients were actually given sittings for the energy treatment, and each patient was assed as per Visual Analog Score (VAS) and was compared with the baseline scores.
Findings: CST is increasingly used as a preventive health measure for its ability to bolster resistance to disease and is effective for a wide range of medical problems associated with pain and dysfunction. Carniosacral Therapy is a biodynamic approach to healing and the interconnections of mind, body and spirit are deeply acknowledged.
Research Limitations: The paper involves study of only 30 patients which is not sufficient to give the generalized view about the effect Craniosacral therapy has on the patients. Also, each patient was not assessed individually on the basis of available diagnostic modalities and the expert opinion.
Practical Implications: The primary significance of undertaking this research was to study the effective intensity of treating a wide range of illness which helps to create the optimal conditions for health, encouraging vitality and facilitating a sense of well-being. Also, it studies the suitability of the treatment for different age groups including babies and children.


Energy Medicine, Craniofacial, Pathophysiology, Healing Therapy.

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