1.* Dipendra Singh, Assistant Professor, Rosen College of Hospitality Management, University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida, United States (Dipendra.Singh@ucf.edu)
Leonard A. Jackson, Director, Hotel Finance and Investment, Cecil B. Day School of Hospitality Administration, J. Mack Robinson College of Business, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, United States (ljackson58@gsu.edu)
There is increasing discussion of the way in which corporate social responsibility of firms is assessed in terms of their financial performance. This study aims to review the hospitality industry corporate social responsibility and financial performance literature, thereby providing a conceptual framework for visualizing understanding corporate performance in terms of social performance.
Design/Methodology/Approach: A comprehensive and extensive literature review helps develop a framework for examining the environmental and financial performance of the hospitality industry.
Findings: Given the growing importance of both financial and non-financial disclosures in the decision making processes of stakeholders, it is important that firms’ performance on both constructs are assessed and presented in a manner that can be easily understood and interpreted by prudent stakeholders. A better understanding of how these dimensions interact with each other that can be used to present stakeholders with a visual map of performance on both the dimensions.
Originality/Value: The study attempts to fill the gaps in the discussion of the way in which corporate social responsibility and financial performance of hospitality industry is developed. A research framework embedded with visualization of CSR and financial performance is proposed. Critical research questions about the impact of CSR on financial performance has been identified.
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