Journal Press India®

Vol 15 , Issue 2 , July - December 2014 | Pages: 71-79 | Research Paper

Corporate Governance Rating and its Impact on Firm Level Performance and Valuation

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Amitava Roy, Assistant Professor, St. Xavier’s College, Sarani,Kolkata, India (

This paper examines the firm specific characteristics that drive companies in India to superior governance and sustainability performance and reporting as proxied by their presence in the S&P ESG India index. It further seeks to investigate whether the corporate financial performance is impacted by corporate governance & sustainability performance and reporting.
Design/Methodology/Approach: This study proposes to use the rating of companies by the S&P ESG India index and company related performance data as available from Prowess (CMIE). The analysis will require the use of Pearson’s correlations and regression analysis model to understand whether Indian investors value governance and sustainability reporting.
Findings: These  findings have  important implications not only  for the investors, the corporations, and  the managers but  also for regulatory authorities, governments, and  various bodies  around the world which are trying to create awareness about  better  governance and  sustainability, particularly in emerging economies like India.
Research Limitations/Implications: The sample size of firms taken could have been more to include firms across all sectors. A cross country analysis would have helped us to understand whether similar results emerge in different context.
Practical Implications: In Indian context, it would be interesting to understand, how the mandatory Corporate Governance and Business Responsibility reports submitted by companies impact their stakeholder perception.
Originality/Value: This study is unique in analyzing whether governance and sustainability rating of Indian corporate translate into stakeholder value creation.


Corporate Governance & Sustainability, Financial Performance, Sustainability Indices (S & P ESG, India).

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