Journal Press India®

Vol 15 , Issue 2 , July - December 2014 | Pages: 37-48 | Research Paper

Role of Organizational Commitment in Determining the Attributes of Job Attitude: A Study in Public and Private Sector Organizations

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Shweta Awasthi, Assistant Professor, Amity Business School,Amity University, Noida, India (
2. Sanjeev Bansal, Director, Amity Business School,Amity University, Noida, India (

The whole study is conducted with two specific objectives. Firstly the study explores the job attitude formation process and its underlying components in public and private sector organizations. Finally it also appraises the impact of commitment process on job attitude in different organizations.
Design/Methodology/Approach: The study uses primary data collection with structured questionnaire with convenient sampling with 598 respondents and finally we reduce the variables into factors using factor analysis. Further we also measure the impact on job attitude with regression method with individual commitment process as well as in total.
Findings: Results indicate that the bonding with supervisor and colleagues, different task, and sense of autonomy seem to be the primary contributor in job attitude in public sector organizations, whereas monetary incentives and  their  frequencies occupy  the  prime role  in  private sector  organizations. Further, we also observe that all levels of commitments have significant impact only in public sector organizations on job attitude formation process.
Research Limitations/Implications:  This study is restricted to the public and private sector organizations in the national capital region Delhi only due to time and resource constraint.
Practical Implications: Practically the policy makers, HR managers, floor managers, etc., in public and  private sector organisations can devise  suitable strategies to align the mission and  vision of the organization taking care of job attitude process differently restricted to NCR Delhi  region only.
Originality/Value: The whole study is dependent on primary survey with first hand response from public and private sector organizations, of NCR of Delhi which is unique on these factors.


Job attitude, Organisational Commitment, Regression, Factor analysis.

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