Journal Press India®

Vol 15 , Issue 2 , July - December 2014 | Pages: 27-35 | Research Paper

Identification Causes of Occupational Accidents in Employees’ of Iranian Oil Industries: A Case Study of Karon Company

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Nasser Elahi, Chairman, Iran Foundation, Prevention and Safety Associations United, Shahrekord, Iran, Islamic Republic of (

The goal of this research was to identify Occupational Accident causes in one of the main Oil Companies in Iran.
Design/Methodology/Approach: The samples of this research were 211 respondents selected by a stratified random method from three companies in Ahvaz, Iran. The tools chosen for collecting data in this research were a structured questionnaire. The primary data for analysis were generated through a structured questionnaire. This questionnaire consisted of 137 questions, which cover all human and technological aspects of occupational accidents in this company.
Findings: The results of the study were three major factors identified through the use of Principal Component Method of Factor Analysis, which are responsible for the causes of occupational accidents to a large extent. The data were analyzed using the principal component method of factor analysis and the Varimax orthogonal rotation method, in Karon Oil Company. Three factors were extracted, in different categories such as Accident Involvement, Non-Accident Involvement, Technical, and Non- Technical. Mean, Standard Deviation, Eigenvalues, % of Variance, and % of Cumulative Variance have been computed for each factor.
Research Limitations/Implications:  This study was conducted to determine the factors of Occupational Accidents in the companies, to identify the major variables related to the occurrence of accidents.
Practical Implications: In results and discussions, the implantation suggested for improving the safety plans found from the present research have been suggested, to avoid Human and Technological casualties through major or minor accidents or through different kinds of poisonous and hazardous elements at appropriate and required levels of safety measures which have become a major concern of this industry and for skilled and unskilled human security. These findings have been suggested to further reduce the agony of accidental hazards.
Originality/Value: The Paper presents original work in context to Iranian Oil Industries and offers very valuable and useful recommendations.


Accident Involvement, Causes of Industrial Accidents, Occupational Accidents, Human Factors Accidents, Technological Factors Accidents

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