Journal Press India®

Vol 15 , Issue 1 , January - June 2014 | Pages: 53-66 | Research Paper

A Study of Workplace Behavior of Knowledge Workers with Respect to Gender, Marital Status and Humor Quotient

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Pooja Khatri, Associate Professor, Department Management, University School of Management Studies, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University,, Delhi, India (
2. Yukta Ahuja, Assistant Professor, Jagan Institute of Management Studies, Delhi, India (

In a knowledge economy the knowledge workers earn their living with mental strength. The skill set required for the job, makes it immensely stressful and demanding. This has led to augmenting rates of emotional disorders, frustration, and exasperation among the employees. The turbulent corporate environment, expects the knowledge workers to cope with the anxiety and demonstrate resilience in order to sustain. The study is an endeavor to study the workplace behaviour of knowledge workers with respect to gender, marital status, and humor quotient
Design/Methodology/Approach: A self constructed questionnaire was used for the purpose of the survey. The questionnaire had items related to the perception of professionals regarding key factors in an organizational environment. The universe comprises IT organizations. The technique of multi stage sampling has been used, at the first stage area sampling has been adopted and the IT organizations in Delhi and NCR were chosen. At the second stage stratified sampling has been used in which the corporate professionals of each organization were further divided into three cadres namely top management, middle management, and low level of management this has been used to attain a representative sample of respondents. Out of 150 questionnaires sent to the respondents we received
114 completed questionnaires.
Findings: It was found that both gender and marital status are key variables making a difference in the way people behave and conduct when they are at work. It was also found that personal life has a lot to do with professional performance. The priorities, discipline, commitments are handled differently with respect to gender and marital status. Another, significant variable that this study addresses is humor which is found to have correlations with recession and layoffs.
Research Limitations: The study is restricted to National Capital Region (NCR).
Practical Implications: It has valuable takeaways for HR professionals, policy makers, and academicians.
Originality/Value:  It’s a unique study in which element of humour has been studied as a key variable with stress at work place and the interplay of these variables give researchers several dimensions to ponder upon.


Employee Behavior, Knowledge Workers, Workplace Stress, Gender, Marital Status, Humor Quotient.

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