Journal Press India®

Vol 14 , Issue 2 , July - December 2013 | Pages: 83-98 | Research Paper

Employer Branding and its Impact on Csr, Motivation, and Retention of Employees using Structural Equation Modelling

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1. * Sonal Jain, Research Scholar, Department of Commerce, Faculty of Commerce and Business, University of Delhi, Delhi, India (

Organizations, nowadays, are becoming cognizant of Employer Branding as it has been observed that with the help of Employer Branding, the best talent in the market can be attracted,
retained, and motivated. The study aimed to find out the dimensions of employer branding and to study its relationship with intention to stay, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), and Motivation. Also, through this study it was purported to measure the level of motivation of employees.
Design/Methodology/Approach: Questionnaire was developed with the help of standardized scale and was used to measure the perception of employees from three organizations, namely, Taj Group of Hotels, E&Y, and ONGC. The sample size was of 90 respondents including the employees of top level, middle level, and junior level management. The tests used for the study were factor analysis, Pearson’s correlation, and Kruskal-Wallis test.
Findings: It was found that Intention to Stay, CSR, and Motivation were positively correlated to the tune of 0.5, 0.592, and 0.827, respectively, with Employer Branding at the confidence level of 99%. We further developed a model through SEM and found that Employer Branding was explaining CSR and Motivation as the multiple squared correlation value was 36% and 77% respectively. Further, we tested the relationship between Motivation and Intention to Stay and found that motivation explained 35% of the variance in ITS.
Research Limitations/Implications: As the study was based on the primary data, its accuracy depends on the accuracy of the responses given by the respondents.
Practical Implications: The results would be useful for the organizations of the energy and service industries, in order to create a good Employer Brand image which would help them to retain their employees and enhance motivation level.
Originality/Value: The study is valuable in the Indian context as the relationship of Employer Branding with Intention to Stay, CSR, and Motivation have been found to be significant.


Employer Branding, Intention to Stay, Corporate Social Responsibility, Motivation.

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