Journal Press India®

Vol 14 , Issue 2 , July - December 2013 | Pages: 1-18 | Research Paper

Entrepreneurial Management and its Role in Achieving Strategic Success: An Empirical Study from the Perspective of the Top Leaders in Jordanian Universities

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Abdullah Barakat, Associate Professor, Quwyiyah Community College Shaqra University,Saudi Arabia, South Africa (
2. Kamel Hawahreh, Associate Professor, Middle East University, Jordan

This study aimed to assess the impact of entrepreneurial management on achieving strategic success from the viewpoint of the top leaders in Jordanian universities.
Design/Methodology/Approach: A  questionnaire comprising 29  statements was  designed and distributed to  a  random sample of 475  leaders from  the  population under study; 435  of these questionnaires were  returned, leading to a response rate of 91.75%.  Using the statistical package SPSS version 17.0 and descriptive statistics, the impact of entrepreneurial leadership and structural flexibility in the specified strategic and effective implementation in the universities was evaluated. A factor analysis test assessed the reliability of the test and the study instrument.
Regression analysis and other statistical tests were used to determine the effect of entrepreneurial management on strategic success.
Findings: The study revealed that the assessment of top managers of the impact of entrepreneurial management in Jordan universities has been positive. There is also a positive and  significant impact (á d” 0.05) or less of the dimensions of entrepreneurial management on achieving strategic success.
Research Limitations: This study recommends enhancing the incentive culture and linking it to the strategy, objectives, and performance results in the short and long term. In addition, it recommends providing innovative incentives such as direct compensation, estimated compensations, challenging situations at work, and educational opportunities.
Finally, the study suggests the adoption of integrated strategies for achievement, harnessing rituals, stories, and means to clarify and identify strategic initiatives as well as to assess the small distinctive contributions that add value to an organization in addition to knowledge sharing and support leadership development.
anian Universities should also focus on opportunities that enhance their added value ultimately creating a diverse portfolio of innovations, taking into account the calculated risks in the short and long term and following an entrepreneurial marketing approach in creativity.
Practical Implications: The significance of this study lies in addressing the issue of organizational entrepreneurship and its ability to achieve strategic success for the purpose of enhancing and improving organizational entrepreneurial performance among Jordanian Universities in two respects, the theoretical significance and practical importance.
Originality/Value: The paper gave answer for the following main question:-
What is the role of entrepreneurial management, with its dimensions of structural flexibility, and entrepreneurial leadership in achieving strategic success in Jordanian universities?
The paper provides a solution for the Jordanian Universities.


Entrepreneurial Management, Structural Flexibility, Entrepreneurial Leadership, Strategic Success, Jordanian Universities.

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