Journal Press India®

Vol 14 , Issue 1 , January - June 2013 | Pages: 79-90 | Research Paper

HRM Practices and Managerial Effectiveness: In Indian Business Organisations

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Anil Kumar Singh, Associate Professor , Sri Aurobindo College (E), University of Delhi, Delhi, India

There are lot of research evidences predicting the relationship between managerial effectiveness and HRM practices. Although research work between HRM practices and managerial effectiveness differ on parameters, as the paradigms of research in terms of rules of interpretations are not established. The term managerial effectiveness and HRD practices have been treated differently by different researchers. This Study is an attempt to assess the relationship between HRM practices and managerial effectiveness both in private and public sector business organizations in India. HRM practices are viewed in terms of planning, recruitment, selection, training and development, performance evaluation, career management, and rewards. There is an attempt to standardise the parameters and paradigm of research in the field of HRM.

Design/Methodlogy/Approach: The present study is designed to find out the measures used by Indian organizations to assess effectiveness of different HR activities: HR planning, recruitment, selection, training and development, performance management, rewards. Based on the literature and earlier research survey, possible measures of HRM activities have been identified. A questionnaire has been developed based on these measures covering all domains of HR activities that have contained 69 measures. Managerial Effectiveness questionnaire has been developed consisting of 13 measures. The sample size consists of 214 respondents in four organizations: two private sector organization with 95 respondents, and 119 respondents in two public sector organizations.

Findings: HRM practices namely, HR planning, recruitment, selection, training and  development, performance evaluation, career management, and rewards were positively and statistically significantly correlated to Management effectiveness of private sector and  public sector business organizations.

Research Limitations/Implications: The sample size and area covered in this study were limited, and cover only North India due to resource constraints. The sample size is not large enough to generalise the concept, but past research play a vital role to explain the concept.  This study explores the concept of HRM and its relationship with managerial effectiveness.

Practical Implications: This study is one of the few systematic empirical researches in the scientific paradigm, being carried out in Indian HRM lexicon.  There are few research works showing HRM practices as system, and linking it with managerial effectiveness.

Originality/ value: This study is a modest attempt to evolve a research paradigm in India for HRM practices which would be able to establish a relationship with managerial effectiveness.


Human Resource Management Practices, Managerial Effectiveness, HRM.

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