Journal Press India®

Vol 14 , Issue 1 , January - June 2013 | Pages: 45-55 | Research Paper

A Buyer vs. Seller Perspective of 7ps in Post- Liberalisation Indian life Insurance Sector

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Ganesh Dash, Assistant Professor, School of Business and Management, Jaipur National University , Jaipur, Rajasthan, India (

This study attempts to assess the impact of 7Ps on the customers’ policy purchasing decisions. It was widely assumed that both the customers (buyers) and the executives (sellers) involved in the life insurance marketing process have different perceptions regarding the impact of these various elements of 7Ps on the customers’ decision to choose a policy. The causes and degree of these differences were examined further.
Design/methodology/approach: This study incorporates primary data which included 405  life insurance policy  holders and  207 life insurance executives involved in the life insurance marketing process. The collected data was subjected to reliability and validity tests first and then ANOVA and t- Test were applied to compare the means of the various categories of respondents.
Findings: After a thorough empirical investigation, it was found that ‘policy elements’, ‘policy pricing’ and  the ‘people’ associated with the policy  marketing process  influence the customers most  to buy  a life insurance product.
Research limitations/implications: The time and the area covered under the study were very limited owing to unavoidable constraints. The sample size was also not large  enough to provide universally acceptable findings. But, this study has managed to explore an area which was not studied earlier as it directly dealt with the front- end players in the market.
Practical implications: This study will be very helpful to the Indian life insurers in understanding their executives and in reaching out to the prospective customers.
Originality/value: This study is a value addition to earlier studies in this field. It also brings a fresh breeze to the life insurance marketing process in India which is still based on traditional and obsolete strategies.


7Ps, Buyer, Indian, Life Insurance, Seller.

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