1.* Manish Madan, Head of the Department (BBA), Delhi School of Professional Studies and Research (Approved by AICTE), Delhi, India (dr.manishmadan1978@gmail.com)
To find the quality of services being provided by the Insurance companies. This study is intended to examine the gap between the expectation and perception of customers about the Insurance companies using the SERVQUAL model.
Design/Methodology/Approach: Prior to the experiment a generic questionnaire was taken as developed by Parasuraman in 1988. Gaps were calculated and then using SPSS the correlation and regression analysis is being done to test the hypothesis of the study.
Findings: In case of the private insurance companies, they are competing in the market very aggressively. But the low score for reliability dimension is not a good signal for them. Private players need to focus on the reliability part, and at the same time, since they are good at tangibles, they should leverage it for their rapid growth. Assurance is also one area they need to focus, so that customers can be satisfied.
Research Limitation/Implication: This study is limited locally collected data and some of the respondents can be bias and the accuracy of the data analysis.
Practical Implications: Results of this study should provide the gap between the expectations and perceptions of customers.
Originality/Value: This research will contribute to fill the gap between the expectations and perceptions of customers in reference to the services being offered by the insurance companies.
Seroquel, Insurance Sector, Service Quality, GAP Analysis.
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