Journal Press India®

Vol 13 , Issue 2 , July - December 2012 | Pages: 43-54 | Research Paper

Team Effectiveness in Indian Organizations: A Comparative Analysis of Public and Private Sector

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Neha Verma, Research Scholar, Department of Management Studies (DoMS), Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India
2. Santosh Rangnekar, Head & Associate Professor, Department of Management Studies (DoMS), Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India
3. Mukesh Kumar Barua, Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies (DoMS), Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India

The prime purpose of this study was to find out the difference in team effectiveness (TE)  of Indian public and  private sector  Organizations. It also aimed and explored the differences between TE of small and large teams.
Design/methodology/Approach: Total 88 samples (37 from public sector and 51 from private sector, total 8 teams of different sizes) from Indian Manufacturing Organizations were gathered using TEAM (Team Effectiveness Assessment Measure). Team functioning (TF) and team empowerment (TEm) dimensions were measured on the factors like cohesion, confrontation, collaboration, task clarity, autonomy, support and accountability.
Findings: Visibly, the public sector had higher cohesion, confrontation and TF, while the private sector had higher other factors. But the differences with respect to TE factors and dimensions across sectors and teams of varied sizes were not statistically significant.
Research Limitations/Implications: In spite of limitations like small sample size and survey of few teams from a certain type of manufacturing organizations, this research carries implications for researchers to investigate for the unrevealed facts on TE in Indian contexts.
Practical Implications: Suggestions for better team work have been made on the basis of preliminary scores and observable differences. For instance, public sector executives may increase their TE through enhanced autonomy and the private sector executives may also achieve higher TE through increasing cohesion, as interpreted from the findings.
Originality/Value: The use of specific   TE factors/dimensions and   the contexts of Indian Manufacturing Organizations make the study a unique contribution towards the dearth of the relevant literature.


Team Effectiveness, Team Functioning, Team Empowerment, Cohesion, Collaboration, Autonomy, Support.

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