Journal Press India®

Vol 13 , Issue 1 , January - June 2012 | Pages: 81-99 | Research Paper

Continuous and comprehensive evaluation: A study of teachers’ perception

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Pooja Singhal, Research Scholar, Deaprtment of Educational Studies, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi , Delhi, India

School is an institution where talents are nurtured. Therefore it becomes very important to continuously revise and introduce such measures and schemes which will impact the mind, character and physical ability of the learner. Indian education is moving from summative to a continuous evaluation system. This study is an attempt to find out teachers’ perception about the scheme of continuous and comprehensive evaluation, the problems they face while its execution and the suggestions that teachers want to give in making CCE effective and fruitful on ground realities.
Design/Methodology/Approach – The study followed the design of a descriptive survey and consisted a sample of 100 government school teachers from Delhi region.
Findings – The result of the study revealed that currently the perception of government school teachers is average which indicates moderate acceptability of CCE by the teachers. The teachers are not adequately prepared for the effective execution of CCE in government schools. Further the study revealed that the large number of students in the classes, lack of appropriate training, inadequate infrastructure and teaching materials and increased volume of work act as barriers in smooth execution of CCE.
Research Limitations/Implications – This study was an attempt to bring out the ground realities of CCE in government school and thus private schools were not included in the study.
Practical Implications – The results of the study would help the school administration to identify the major problems that the teachers encounter in the classes while executing CCE and take up the appropriate steps in the areas where teachers seek help.
Originality/Value – After the introduction of CCE by CBSE in its affiliated schools, this study was an attempt by the investigator to develop a deep understanding of such burning issue and find out the perception of teachers towards CCE.


Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation, Evaluation, School Based Evaluation, Examination Reforms.

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