Journal Press India®

Vol 13 , Issue 1 , January - June 2012 | Pages: 67-80 | Research Paper

Employees’ Extended Hours in the Organization

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Shalini Verma, Assistant Professor, Communication and Soft Skills, Asia Pacific Institute of Management, New Delhi, Delhi, India
2. Sneha Anand, Student-MA (HRM), Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, Delhi, India

Balancing the demands of work and family is very important especially for a dual-career couple.   This study investigates the ethicality of overworking employees to maximize   an organization’s profits. Though it increases one’s job satisfaction owing to one’s professional success, it leads to a poorer marital quality. Additionally, the poor marital quality would in long run spill over at work, making the individual dissatisfied at his job as well, leading to poorer productivity.
Design/Methodology/Approach – The sample included 100 human resource professionals from various organizations, whose views on the issue whether employee should be overworked so as to increase company’s profits was taken. Job satisfaction and marital quality tests were conducted on 30 heterosexual married couples   using the Job satisfaction scale by Singh Sharma (1999) along with Marital Quality Scale by Shah (1991).
Findings – The results were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Statistical analytical tools like Spearman’s Correlation method have been used.  The results revealed that the two variables are negatively correlated. Also, the survey instrument was shown to be both reliable and valid by the experts in the field.  The results of the survey showed that the human resource professionals regard overworking an employee unethical.
Research Limitations/Implications – A more genuine results would have been expected in a face-to-face interaction with the participants.
Practical  Implications –  The   results  of  this  study  would  help   employers  realize   the importance of  their employee’s personal time and   prevent any  measure of  take-home jobs. Academicians  can   use   the  results  to  build  upon   new   theories  and   models  for  a  better understanding of such  complex phenomena.
Originality/Value  –  This  study  is  probably  the  first  to  include  the  dimensions  of  job satisfaction, marital quality and  overworking among married couples  relating it to business ethics, specifically in the Indian context.


Job Satisfaction, Marital Quality, Working couples, Overworking, Business Ethics.

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