Journal Press India®

Vol 13 , Issue 1 , January - June 2012 | Pages: 49-65 | Research Paper

Unique HR Practices in the Indian it Industry a Research Agenda

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Sucheta Mohapatra, Research Scholar, Flinders Business School, Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia (

The research aims to discover the  extent to which Indian HR  practices can  be considered unique, and in what ways they are developing.
Methodology – The research aims to gather evidence from software professionals in Indian IT companies situated in various parts of India, about their expectations and experiences in relation to the HR practices followed in their respective companies. A multiple case study approach will be adopted in this study and the primary data will be collected by conducting semi-structured interviews with software professionals from  five  selected  Indian IT  companies and  by obtaining written responses from  controlled online discussion boards specifically set up for this study by the researcher.
Findings – Drawing on a review of literature the paper sets out an agenda for research on HR practice in  Indian IT  firms. It includes an  innovative approach to qualitative data collection using online discussion boards to capture employee experiences.
Research Limitations – The research is in the planning phase and  this  planning will  be subject to change over time.
Practical Implications – The paper draws up a new research agenda that may  be of value to other researchers. Further it develops a relatively new approach to qualitative data collection that may find applications in research across a range of disciplines.
Originality/Value – This research will contribute to evidence concerning the unique HR practices in Indian IT companies. The  thesis aims to fill  gaps  in the current IHRM and  International Business literature, specifically the lack of published work  by indigenous Indian researchers; and  qualitative analysis of the employee perspective on HRM practices.


HR Practices, India, IT Industry, Qualitative Research.

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