Journal Press India®

Vol 13 , Issue 1 , January - June 2012 | Pages: 41-48 | Research Paper

Green Consumerism: Individual’s Ethics and Politics as Predictors of Pro-Environmental Behaviour

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * D.S. Rohini Samarasinghe, Senior Lecturer, Department of Marketing Management, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka ( )

This study investigates the effect of individual’s ethical and political values in shaping the pro- environmental attitudes towards green consumer behaviour. The ethical and political action is guiding principles of individual’s life that govern the decision making. In this context, research indicates that individual ethical and political values have been positively correlated to pro-environmental attitudes pertains to green consumer behaviour.
Design/Methodology/Approach – A survey approach was adopted comprising individual’s ethical values, political actions and pro-environmental behaviour. A random sample of 250 consumers were taken for data collection who were involved in purchasing decisions. Self-Administered Questionnaire was used to collect the data, and accordingly analysis were made using both descriptive measures and correlations between variables. The Linear regression analysis was employed to test hypotheses. The survey instrument was measured for reliability and  validity of data.
Findings – The results of the data analysis revealed that both individual’s political values and ethical values were the good predictors of pro-environmental attitude on green behavior in Sri Lanka. However, pro-environmental attitudes do not directly influence on green consumer behaviour intention. Especially, in context to Sri Lanka, the consumers have shown weak relationships due to their unawareness and lack of interest in environmental friendly approach.
Research Limitations/Implications – The accuracy of the analysis is dependent upon  the Self– reported behavior of the respondents.
Practical Implications – The results of this study will be a stepping stone to business planners and will give valuable insights on consumer behaviour as it will give them understanding of the green market segments in Sri Lanka, and this will help to develop effective green strategies. Academia can develop and measure environmental ethics by using locally developed measures and western criteria for building theoretical models which help in enhancing the pro-environmental domain.
Originality/Value – This can be attributed to the fundamental differences in guilt culture in the West, and shame culture in Asian region.


Green Consumerism, Individual’s Ethics, Political Action, Pro-Environmental Behaviour, Green Consumer Behaviour.

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