Journal Press India®

Vol 13 , Issue 1 , January - June 2012 | Pages: 1-11 | Research Paper

Developing Students’ Moral Value through Folklore in Multilingual Setting: A Case Study in the Development of Morality

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Ketut Warta, Dean of Faculty of Arts, Department of English, Institute of Tecaher Training and Science Education (IKIP), Mataram, Tenggara, Indonesia (

There is a strong belief that morals and morality cannot be taught and developed. This study is intended to examine the intrinsic aspects of folklore and its contributions, and impacts on students’ moral value development.
Design/methodology/Approach – Prior to the experiment, a questionnaire dealing with ethnicity, religion, moral dilemma, moral origin, moral principle, prayer and killing was distributed to different group of students at IKIP Mataram.
Findings - Every element of the story is carefully interpreted. Analysis of the intrinsic aspect results that folklore presents not only social conflict but also suggests some ways to overcome the conflict; and that conflicts of such kind can be solved if only we are wise enough to face  them. Finally, using performance level, it is found that folklores can help develop students to be morally good students and better humanist; it develops from  modest to fairly good. Result of the study also indicates that student majoring in language and  literature show good life to live than those with science education.
Research Limitation/Implication – This research is limited to locally collected data and the accuracy of data analysis.
Practical Implications – The results of this research would help our Institution better understand the importance of morality in curriculum; and help teachers develop suitable teaching material.
Originality/Value – This is the first experimental study on morality carried out at IKIP  Mataram. It provides a significant source of information for the Institution and teachers.


Folklore, Change, Human Value, Multilingual, Morality.

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