Journal Press India®

Vol 12 , Issue 2 , July - December 2011 | Pages: 45-57 | Research Paper

Quality Measurement and Consumer Satisfaction with Modern Retailing: An Analytical Study

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * H. C. Purohit, Reader, Department of Business Economics, Faculty of Management Studies, VBS Purvanchal University, , Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh, India (

In India, the retail sector is the second largest employer after agriculture. Globally India has the highest absolute number and the highest per capita number of retail formats, India is the fifth- largest retail destination in the retail outlets. The Indian retail industry has been growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 28 per cent for the last five years and provides employment to 8 per cent of India’s working population. Organized retail formats including departmental stores, hypermarkets, supermarkets and specialty stores are fast replacing traditional retail formats such as stores (small ‘mom-and-pop’ general stores). The boom in this sector started after the liberalization in 1991 in the country (Singh 2003). Several large chains have entered the bandwagon and have achieved fair to significant success. The  changes in the nation’s social  structure such  as; improvement of the economy, consumerism, urbanization, the  increasing number of  nuclear families, double  income households, improvement in literacy rates  and  working women profusion of brands have  been  the main  causal  factor  for the development of these  modern formats.

The  present study  is an  attempt to  measure the  quality of  the  services rendered by  modern retail stores in India  and  find  out  the satisfaction level  of the consumers in comparison to the traditional stores.


Modern Retailing, Traditional Retail Stores, Consumer Satisfaction, Expectation, Quality.

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