Journal Press India®

Vol 12 , Issue 2 , July - December 2011 | Pages: 11-19 | Research Paper

The Rationality of Consumer Behaviour on the Food Products Market

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Renata Matysik-Pejas, Assistant Professor, Department of Marketing Management in Agribusiness, University of Agriculture, Krakow, Poland
2. Monika Szafrañska, Assistant Professor, Department of Marketing Management in Agribusiness, University of Agriculture, Krakow, Poland

The aim of this study was to identify and evaluate the rationality of consumer behaviour on the food products market. The problem which is the subject of the article was elaborated on the basis of primary information derived from survey research conducted in 2009. The questionnaire was completed by 200 respondents. The  results  showed that  all  food  needs  are  analysed by  every  third person,  and every second  person  analyses only some of these needs.  It demonstrates a conscious choice and purchase of food products by the respondents. Half of the respondents established a hierarchy of needs during taking decisions concerning the purchase of foodstuffs. The diversified structure of roles, which respondents perform in their households shows that more and more decisions are considered and made jointly. Among the social determinants affecting the purchase of food products majority of respondents indicated their own beliefs and previous experience as most important factors. Among the marketing factors affecting the choice of food products, respondents most often mentioned the additional quantity of product for the same price and promotional price reductions. Results of this study will help identify the characteristics of rational of consumer behavior on the food products market. This may be helpful for institutions dealing with the wider consumer education, among others in the field  of sustainable consumption. With the social and economic development changed patterns of consumer behavior and decisions taken by them on the market (also on food products market).


Consumer Behaviour, Rationality, Hierarchy Food Needs.

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