Published Online: January 04, 2011
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Quality policy ensures the quality of the agricultural products and foodstuffs; therefore, its implementation is one of the most important challenges addressed by the EU with an aim to protect the food quality. Protection of original and traditional food from the EU is not only an important factor in preserving cultural and national traditions in the member states of the EU but also an important dimension of marketing for producers, taking into consideration the interest and consumer confidence. The paper points at using the EU Quality Policy and the labeling of the food within the Quality Policy of EU for particular member states and shows the full list of food products that are protected by PDO (protected designation of origin), PGI (protected geographical indication) and TSG (traditional speciality guaranteed) in these countries.
Quality, Quality Policy, Consumers, Producers, Food Products, Protection, Labelling, PDO, PGI, TSG, European Union.
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