Journal Press India®

Vol 12 , Issue 1 , January - June 2011 | Pages: 51-67 | Research Paper

The Extent of Applying Ncate Academic Accreditation Standards in Faculty of Education at Kuwait University

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Meznah S. Kh. Al Azmi, Assistant Professor, Department of Foundation of Education, Faculty of Education, Kuwait University, Keifan, Kuwait (

This study aims at investigating the extent to which the programs offered at the  College of Education are linked with the conceptual framework of the college and the extent of applying the six standards of Ankit: “programs offered, evaluation and assessment system, field experiences, diversity, training of  faculty members, their  performance and  professional development, management, and resources" at the Faculty of Education from the perspective of faculty members. To achieve this goal, a questionnaire consisting of 56 items, distributed on seven axes, was designed and applied on a random sample (n = 30). The study  reached several conclusions chief among which are: The  degree of  satisfaction of  faculty members of  the  extent  to which  the  programs offered at the College of Education are linked  with the conceptual framework of the college was medium, while  the extent of applying the six standards for Ankit  at the Faculty of Education was between middle-level and  weak. In light  of the  results the  researcher came  out  with  a number of recommendations and proposals that would benefit the College of Education in the application of NCATE standards.


Accreditation, Higher Education Institution (HEI), National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE).

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