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Globalization has great relevance in the context of higher education (HE). This paper explores the benefits and harms of globalization of HE in the UAE. The different approaches to globalization outlined by Santiago, et al. (2008) have been utilized to assess the impact of globalization of HE in this paper. While the mutual understanding approach, the revenue-generating approach, and the capacity-building approach are relevant in the UAE, the skilled migration approach does not seem to be applicable in the country. Globalization of HE in the UAE has mixed impacts. It has been instrumental in improving the level and quality of education in general in the UAE. It also helped diffusing of advances in education and technology into the UAE HE system and facilitated creating a globally competent workforce and in order to create a knowledge society for a knowledge economy. Globalization of HE is also necessary to meet the TE needs of children of the expatriate workforce in the country who do not have access to federal schools. Reinforcing mobility of students and academic staff without any constraints is another positive impact of globalization of higher education in the country. However, it has several adverse effects. It is evident that globalization of HE has resulted in a rush of universities and institutions to the country making HE landscape an overcrowded marketplace and pose great potential for declining quality. The foreign providers seem to have ignored their responsibility of preserving and enriching the Emirati culture. It is imperative that the foreign providers in the country need to be more proactive, socially responsible, and pay serious attention to preserve the UAE culture.