Journal Press India®

Vol 12 , Issue 1 , January - June 2011 | Pages: 17-28 | Research Paper

The Essence of Cognition in Quantum Worldview: The Necessity of Teaching in University with a Trans-Disciplinary Perspective

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Saeid Zarghamihamrah, Assistant Professor, Tarbiat Moallem University, Mofatteh Ave, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of

The purpose of present study is to investigate the necessity and manner of university teaching with a trans-disciplinary perspective based on the illuminations of quantum worldview. The methodological approach in this study is deconstruction. According to quantum worldview, in the micro-dimension electrons are defined in a network of multiple, interwoven, and inseparable bonds, and based on this view in the macro-dimension, human being is confronting a complex, impermanent, and  indefinite world which is possible to understand by a holistic and  dynamic view  rather than  a reductionist view. Nowadays the university teachers do the research and teaching in such specialized disciplines that each has its own special structure, concepts, thinking and activity approach. While according to the quantum worldview and to face the real issues of complex, impermanent, and indefinite life, especially in the present era, one should be aware of the dependence and even the interlacing and being no clear borders between the traditions of the disciplines and to take a trans-disciplinary view. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss about the  special traditions of their  own  discipline and  other disciplines as well.  In the end,  the applications of the research findings are also addressed.


Teaching, Trans-Disciplinary View, Higher Education, Quantum Worldview, Cognition.

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