Journal Press India®

Vol 12 , Issue 1 , January - June 2011 | Pages: 1-16 | Research Paper

Exploring Frontline Conflicts at Higher Education Institutions

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Katalin Jäckel, Senior Lecturer, Department of Marketing, Budapest Business School (College for Foreign Trade), Institute of Trade and Marketing, Budapest, Hungary

Higher education plays a crucial role in knowledge-based economies. In the New Economy, only complex and multi-colour higher education institutions can meet the varied expectations and challenges of the ever-changing environment. This paper explores the frontline focusing
on  the  conflicts at  higher education institutions. It  is  assumed that  there  is  a close relationship between judging the quality of services and the quality of frontline since an immediate message about the culture and values of the service-provider is conveyed to the customer by the behaviour perceived in the frontline. Based on both qualitative and quantitative research, this paper aims to draw general and practical conclusions about the following:

a)  What are the main causes of satisfaction or dissatisfaction for users in an educational context?
How  does  frontline judge its  position, how  does  it rate  its  own  activity and  what  do  students think  of this?

b)  Which are the critical areas, causes of conflicts between students and the frontline?

c)  How can jay-customers be typified and how can they affect the service process? The exact definition of behaviour-types may facilitate proactive provider behaviour.

d)  The study intends to prove the importance and feasibility of experimental research, a useful method to refine results.


Higher Education, Frontline, Jay-customers, Conflicts.

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