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Knowledge and Financial Skills of Consumers in Poland against the Background of Selected Countries in the World

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1. * Monika Szafranska, Assistant Professor, Department of Management and Marketing in Agribusiness, University of Agriculture, , Krakow, Poland
2. Renata Matysik-Pejas, Assistant Professor, Department of Management and Marketing in Agribusiness, University of Agriculture, Krakow, Poland

The paper aims to analyse the state of knowledge and financial skills of consumers in Poland in comparison with other selected countries. As it has been demonstrated by the conducted analyses, Polish society has a poor financial awareness, even among people who use various financial products. The level of knowledge and financial competences among consumers in Poland depend on the gender, education, age and place of residence. It results from different attitudes of consumers towards using loan and savings products, diversified motives which drive them at the choice of financial product and preferences concerning the sources of financial knowledge.
One of the ways to improve the situation is undertaking commonly accessible activities in the field of financial education because high level of financial education in society brings social and economic benefits.


Financial Knowledge, Financial Education, Financial Services.

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