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Country of Origin of the Food and Consumer Preferences in Segment of University Students

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Anton Kretter, University Teacher, Department of Marketing, Slovak University of Agriculture, Nitra, Slovakia
2. Zdenka Kádeková, Ph.D. Student, Department of Marketing, Slovak University of Agriculture , Nitra, Slovakia
3. Jana Sedláková, Graduate, Slovak University of Agriculture, Faculty of Economics and Management, Nitra, Slovakia

Knowing of consumer preferences and country of origin of the food offers the important information to the food producers and trades, and creates the base for their marketing decision making. In the era of market globalization, the consumers regard the country of origin of products as one of the quality indicator. The paper examines the consumer preferences and attributes of decision making in the segment of university students in Slovakia. The results suggest, that this group of consumers prefer the attributes like freshness, flavour and also the price when food shopping, while preferring domestic products is dominant. It also suggests the preference for domestic products is dominant.


Consumer Preferences, Country of Origin of the Food, Segment of Students, Consumer Communication.

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