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In this study we have reviewed one of the most significant cooperations in Central-Eastern- Europe, namely the Visegrad cooperation. It has been a very important economic, social and political collaboration of the four countries (Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Hungary) forlong. The basic principle in their cooperation has always been to strengthen the links among the abovementioned countries and, due to the EU Funds available, it has received greater importance in the beginning of the 21st century.
The objective of this research is to find out how this cooperation has deepened in the past and what new possible ways are available to extend this relationship in order to mutually benefit the economies and societies of the member countries. The Szent Istvan University has also joined a Visegrad cooperation in the field of education and research recently and aims at the development of those fields in accordance with the economic growth.
Visegrad Countries, Economic Growth, Cooperation, Transnational Developments.