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Review of the Competition between Diy Store Chains in Hungary

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1. * Zsófia Balló, Assistant Lecturer, Business Administration and Management Sciences Doctoral School, Szent Istvan University, Gödöllö, Hungary

It is only fifteen years that the first Do It Yourself (DIY) store opened in Hungary. It was then a novelty that building materials became available not only at the building material depos, which previously had the monopoly on the field, but at home decor stores, too. However, Hungarians quickly grew into the habit of ‘getting everything under the same roof’. Thus, just as the hypermarkets which sell fast moving consumer goods, DIY stores chains also began to develop dynamically.
In this article after highlighting the competitors, researcher will determine the market and the target group; then researcher move on to analyze the coverage of DIY store chains in Hungary, along with the range of services they offer, and their marketing activity. Researcher will devote special attention to the characteristics of high marketing value that make a DIY chain unique on the present market and deliver advantage in competition for long term.


Do It Yourself Store, Consumer Satisfaction.

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  3. Kolos, K. and Kenesei, Zs. (2005), Survey of the Attitude of Hungarian Consumer in Connection with Promotions and Prices, Marketing & Management, Vol.39, No.3 (May), pp.40-44.
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