Journal Press India®

Vol 10 , Issue 2 , July - December 2009 | Pages: 63-71 | Research Paper

Attainment of Human Development: A Study of North-East India

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Samir K. Mahajan, Lecturer, Department of Economics, Mount Olive College, Kohima, Nagaland, India

Purpose: The present study has been conducted to trace various indicators of human development, to quantify dimensional index of each indicator, and to develop a composite index which explain the wider aspect of human development
Design/Methodology/Approach:  It is a Descriptive Study. It is a cross-sectional study covering all the seven states of NEI for the year 2001. The methodology is based on UNDP approach of human development in the construction of a composite index on the basis of chosen indicators of development.
Findings:Mizoram, all the states in NEI was found to least developed in human development attainment. None of the states of NEI could score HDI value equal to or above 0.5. Even all India HDI falls below 0.5 score. Mizoram has achieved moderate/medium level of human development and has topped the list among states in NEI.
Research Limitations: Average life expectancy, which is a good health indicator for the population has not been included in the selected list of indicators. This is because of non-availability of data relating to life expectancy for the states of NEI region except Assam for the year 2001and or any surrounding year.  Information regarding incidence of poverty in states of India for the year 2001 is also not available.
Managerial Implications: Policymakers can bring changes to overcome the shortfalls in human development in North India Region
Originality/Value: This study showcased the original work of the authors in the field of Human Development in the region of North India.


Human development index; UNDP; North-east India

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