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Banks Basel Ii Norms Requirement Regarding Internal Control Field Study on Jordan Banks

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1. * Abdullah Barakat, Assistant Professor, King Saud University, Quwyiyah Community College, Saudi Arabia

The study aimed at investigating the degree of application of Basel’s committee requirements by Jordan banks. For the purpose of achieving the research objective, a questionnaire was developed and distributed over 40 subjects from  all commercial banks in Jordan, the data was analyzed by using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The results revealed that all banks in Jordan are applying Basel’s II norms. Results do not reveal any significant difference on the extent of implementing Basel II committee resolutions. It seems that availability of internal control systems and providing the same with work freedom shall not be limited only to Jordan banks but the existence of  Arab, and  foreign banks in  Jordan. Moreover the results revealed that there  were  significant differences in application of Basel’s II norms between local banks and foreign banks.


Basel II, Control, Risk, Information, Communication and Operations.

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