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Female Workers in Post Disaster Recovery Case Study: Access, Empowerment and Opportunity in Bantul, Yog Yakarta, Indonesia

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Peni Sawitri, Lecturer, Faculty of Economics, Gunadarma University, Margonda, Indonesia (
2. Eko Hartanto, Lecturer, Faculty of Economics, Gunadarma University, Margonda, Indonesia
3. Sariyati Lecturer, Faculty of Economics, Gunadarma University, Margonda, Indonesia

Indonesia has experienced many disasters which left misery and economic loss to money citizens. The frequency of evidences forces the government to act fast and decide correctly, but sometimes they fail to perform correctly. Government is demanded not only for handling the victims during disaster but also help them in disaster recovery processes. However, government can’t work by themselves, citizens are demanded to help them as well.
This research evaluates the contribution of women workers in economic aspects of recovery in earthquake disaster areas Bantul, Jogjakarta, Indonesia. Data collection was performed using deep interview regarding female income and her contribution in family finance. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, to describe the percentage of female contribution in supporting family finance. The difficulties and problems faced by female workers, both inside as well as outside home, also will be discussed deeply. As the female workers mostly work in informal areas, this research result  can be used  by Department of Woman Empowerment (Departemen Pemberdayaan Perempuan) as well  as Department of Cooperation and Small Medium Entrepreneurship (Departemen Koperasi dan Usaha Kecil  Menengah) in advising them  so that they will grow  and contribute in national economy.


Economic Contribution, Access, Empowerment and Opportunity.

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