Journal Press India®

Vol 10 , Issue 2 , July - December 2009 | Pages: 17-26 | Research Paper

Empowerment from the Gender Perspective

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Sonia Taneja, Assistant Professor, Department of Marketing and Management, Management, Texas A&M University-Commerce, United States (
2. Mildred Golden Pryor, Professor, Department of Marketing and Management, Management, Texas A&M University-Commerce, United States
3. John Humphreys, Professor, Department of Marketing and Management, Management, Texas A&M University-Commerce, United States

This paper discusses gender inequality and the empowerment of women from several perspectives: (1) exclusion and social injustice, (2) the negative impact of inequality and lack of empowerment on individual women as well as families and society, (3) the organizations involved in the battle for gender equality; and (4) suggested actions that will assist women in claiming their full rights in society. Also, we emphasize that leaders of nations and organizations must follow the example of the United Nations and establish specific goals, strategies, and tactics to ensure gender equality and empowerment.


Empowerment, Gender Equality.

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