Journal Press India®

Vol 10 , Issue 1 , January - June 2009 | Pages: 79-88 | Research Paper

Identifying and Analysing the Impact of Key Factors Leading to Brand Confusion in Advertising: A Micro Ana Lysis

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * A. Sengupta, Reader, Department of Commerce, DDU Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
2. Noopur Agrawal, Lecturer, Deapartment of Commerce, Delhi School of Professional Studies & Research , Delhi, India

In the modern era of globalisation where world has become flat, almost every field is exposed to the challenging environment of today. Advertising and marketing is also witnessing the turnaround with the cataclysmic upheaval in competition. In the wake  of highly westernized culture where use of jargons to communicate have become an order of the day,  many times we find that a manager provides instruction and then discovers that employees still don’t understand. Errors in communication can cost the “deal” or prolong the decision.
Different researches in the field of Advertising have endorsed that communicating in a multi-cultural environment has led to brand confusion. Keeping in mind these trends present paper makes an attempt to analyse the impact of key factors leading to Brand Confusion in Advertising.


Brand Confusion, Advertising, Customer’s related factors.

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