Journal Press India®

Vol 10 , Issue 1 , January - June 2009 | Pages: 55-77 | Research Paper

Some Economic Inssues of Substainable Animal Husbandry in Eastern -Central Europe

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Andras Nabradi, Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, Centre of Agricultural and Technical Sciences, Uiversity of Debrecen, Hungary (

The issues of sustainability and events leading to its development can be dated back to 1972. Sustainability is a priority subject matter as it is a care in our existence and in the survival of the forthcoming generations. The notion of sustainability comprises three verticums: environmental, social and economic target systems, which by now have been supplemented with cultural and regional elements including the protection of local traditions, scale of values, arts, cultural and historical heritage into this already complex concept. Newly emerging decrees, the target system and economic principles claim that besides the preservation of natural resources, food production is the most significant task. The principles of sustainable development also include the improvement of human and animal health and the maintenance of vital rural communities. The priority nation of sustainability refers to animal husbandry only partially or indirectly.


Sustainability; Animal production; Problem tree; Objectives tree; An economic approach.

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