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Purpose: The present study has been conducted to e to explain about a customer, relational, and marketplace characteristics that moderate the relationship between satisfaction and repurchase behaviour.
Design/Methodology/Approach: An exploratory study has been carried out to get the clarity on the established objectives based on collection of the primary data mainly from the customers.
Findings:From the study it was found that satisfaction, involvement, post benefit convenience, accessibility convenience, transaction convenience, and time convenience are the most influencing factors for repurchase intentions of retail customer.A significant correlation between repurchase intention and post benefit convenience were found.
Research Limitations: The scope of the study was confined to the selected semi-urban cities known as “Anand” and Vidyanagar located in the central part of the Gujarat State. Its sample includes only shoppers who had visited the chosen store and not those non-customers who have either defected or never visited the store at all.
Managerial Implications: This research study is an attempt to provide factual justifications that reinforces the importanceof moderating influences and offer new insights that enhance the understanding of what drives repurchase behaviour.
Originality/Value: This study showcased the original work of the authors in the field of Satisfaction - Repurchase Relationship in Retailing Context
Repurchase intention; Post benefits convenience; Customer satisfaction; Organized retail.