Journal Press India®

Vol 10 , Issue 1 , January - June 2009 | Pages: 1-14 | Research Paper

Consumer Shopping Behaviour among Modern Retail Formats

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Hotniar Siringoringo, Doctoral Student, Department of Economics, Gunadarma University, West Java, Indonesia (
2. Anacostia Kowanda, Doctoral Student , Department of Economics, Gunadarma University, West Java, Indonesia

The objective of this study is to analyze consumer shopping behaviour in different retail formats. Consumer shopping behaviour presents using shopping intention, attitude towards modern retail outlet and shopping habit. Self administered questionnaire was used to collect data.
Data was collected from five different retail formats, i.e. hypermarket, supermarket, departmental store, mini market and convenience store. Consumer shopping behaviour is modeled using Structural Equation modeling (SEM), and the difference of behaviour among retail format was tested using multi level Lisrel software. It's found, as can be seen on consumer shopping model, the effect of attitude towards modern retail outlet and shopping habit on shopping intention. However, it's found that there is no difference in this behaviour among hypermarket, supermarket, and mini market.


Convenience Goods, Shopping Intention, Attitude toward Modern Retail Outlet, Shopping Habit.

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