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It is great to know that the XXV Annual International Conference scheduled to be held from Jan. 6 to 7, 2024 is on the main theme: “World Peace: An Essential Ingredient for Survival of Humanity and the Planet”, along with the sub-themes of

(1) United Nations and World Peace

(2) Conflict, War, and World Peace

(3) Media, Diplomatic Leadership, and World Peace

(4) Education, Consciousness and World Peace

(5) Research Paper Presentations on Contemporary Issues

World peace is not possible until individual people have inner peace. To experience inner peace, it is important to understand the concept of PanchKoshas. The Five Sheaths, or PanchaKosha, is a key concept in Indian philosophy that presents a complete understanding of human existence. It is important to understand the ‘PanchaKosha’ and its significance as well as its contextual relevance. The framework of ‘PanchaKosha’ is derived from the Upanishads, ancient Indian scriptures that constitute the foundation of Vedantic philosophy. Since then, different schools of Bharatiya philosophy, such as Yoga, Samkhya, and Vedanta, have evolved and added to the concept.

PanchaKosha refers to the five layers or sheaths that shield the actual self or Atman. The physical sheath (AnnamayaKosha), vital sheath (PranamayaKosha), mental sheath (ManomayaKosha), intellectual sheath (VijnanamayaKosha), and blissful sheath (AnandamayaKosha) are the five sheaths. As a result, we may say that there are ultimately five principles: Anna, Prana, Manas, Vijnana, and Ananda.

Anna is the physical, the Viraj (the radiant), as it appears to our senses. This has grown or evolved from Prana or energy. The combination of Prana, Manas, and Vijnana is called sutrat-man. This sutrat-man is made up of two main types of matter: the vehicle of all outgoing actions (kriya-shakti), also called Prana or the life-principle, and the vehicle of all intellectuality or knowledge (Vijnanashakti), which is made up of two types: Manas and Vijnana. Manas is the antah-karana, which is the type of substance in which all savikalpaka (concrete) knowledge appears. All physical ideas, including those in the Rig-Veda, Yajur-Veda, and Sama-Veda, show up as ‘Manasic’ matter. Manas is also the origin of Prana, which means that Prana came from Manas.

The antah-karana, which is also called the intellect, is the way that all abstract (nirvikalpaka) knowledge shows up. Buddhi is the understanding, and it is made up of everything that can be known for sure, like knowing the Vedic truths. The three Kosha that make up the SutratmanarePrana, Manas, and Vijnana.Ananda is the happiness that comes from knowing and doing things. It is the ultimate cause of everything. Those people who can experience the blissful state are not the ones who wage war against other people. The long-term solution for global peace is that each moves on the path to attain a state of inner peace and bliss. Many NGOs like Art of Living are bringing people on this path.


Prof. Ajay Kumar Singh


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