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My experiences with consciousness during the past few years have been amazing and my recent experiences of impact of energy healing, the impact of thoughts and intentions on people are no profound that I thought that should share it with the readers of Delhi Business Review Details of experiences of some of the subjects can also be browsed on
Before I narrate the experiences, I would like to share about traditional physics and quantum mechanics very aptly written by Scott Jeffrey. In Classic Physics, also called Newtonian Physics based on Sir Isaac Newton's 17th Century observations, a researcher conducts experiments presumably as an outside observer who doesn't influence what is being observed. In essence, Classic Physics views the world as a machine, where each motion should have a calculable outcome. This mechanistic perspective uses a linear thought process that views the world as a grand clock - to understand the clock, you need only to disassemble it and study its parts. A startling discovery, however, revealed a crack in the Newtonian paradigm: When physicists broke down an atom to its smallest form, they discovered that subatomic particles were actually vast regions of empty space. The basic stuff of the universe has no dimension. Things got more confusing when these scientists made another unforeseen discovery: When they observed the particle, it was there; but when they weren't observing it, they definitively determine whether or not it was still there. They could only calculate the probability of a subatomic particle existing at a given point in space: This led physicists to introduce a language of probabilities into discussions regarding physical matter, and the Newtonian, linear viewpoint of the physical world began to look more like the abstract realm referred to by mystics and poets.
The founders of quantum mechanics discovered that you couldn't eliminate the observer from the equation because the observer of a system affects the system by mere observation. In quantum mechanics, the line between the observer and the observed is obscured - you can't definitively make a distinction between the two.
In the quantum world, the consciousness of the observer is connected to that which is being observed. As Dr. David R. Hawkins explains: "Perhaps the closest approximation of the crossover from the microscopic, Newtonian, measurable world to the submicroscopic, invisible, underlying. Reality is afforded by Quantum Mechanics in which ‘observables' are subject to influence and change by the mere act of observation (the Heisenberg principle). The infinite quantum potentiality deflects the interaction of consciousness and the substrate of matter, namely, the wave/particle potentiality and unpredictability in space or position. Observables' replace 'measurables' and are therefore seen to be selections of the intuition of the observer rather than a self existent, fixed, 'objective’ reality”.
Psychiatrist, consciousness researcher and mystic Dr. Hawkins developed a "map of the levels of human consciousness (also called the Scale of Consciousness) that uses a muscle-testing technique called Applied Kinesiology (AK) to document the nonlinear, spiritual realm. Briefly, each level of consciousness (LOC) coincides with determinable human behaviours and perceptions about life and God. Each level represents a corresponding attractor field of varying strength that exists beyond our three dimensional reality. There's a critical point within each LOC from which its field gravitates (or entrains).
The numbers on the scale represent logarithmic calibrations (measurable vibratory frequencies on a scale which increases to the tenth power) of the levels of human consciousness and its corresponding level of reality. The numbers themselves are arbitrary, the significance lies in the relationship of one number for level) to another (e.g., Dr. Hawkins' scale is from 1 to 1000 a similar scale could be devised from 1 to 10 where 2 is courage and 5 is love).
Using the kinesiologic response, two people can calibrate the LOC of any person, place or thing - past and present. For example, two researchers can calibrate Albert Einstein's LOC, and their results can be verified by two people on the other side of the planet. If the kinesiologic technique is done properly, both teams will calibrate Einstein at 499. The kinesiologic response transcends all personal opinions and beliefs, accessing truth beyond the physical realm.
The Newtonian, lincarworld represents the domain of form and physicality (the ordinary levels of consciousness up to 499). The quantum reality represents the convergence into the realm of nonduality, nonlocality, and nonlinearity - the spiritual domain (levels 500 and above).
It was in the light of this context of consciousness that I wanted to share some of the experiences related to the impact of thoughts on different bodies. One fine morning I picked up the phone and I found that Mrs. Sima is on the other side conveying that she is in tremendous pain in the left eye and she said that she would like to go to doctor and take leave from her office. She said that her left eye white portion is like coming out and she is not able to even close the eyes and there is constant flow of water. I said that let me check with the Divine Instrument. I found that she can be healed in 3 to 4 hours by the Divine Instrument and no other medication is required. While she was talking to me she realized that water flows in the eyes have dropped and she has started recovering. I started the process of healing through the instrument after finishing the talk with her and later she reported that in less than four hours she was well. The important point that I want to emphasize here is that she started recovering immediately the thought came to my mind that she needs to be healed and her eye should be all right.
I have few more such type of examples but the point to be realized is that there is a world thatexist beyond the form and physicality and traditional Newtonian scientist are unable to harness the power of the submicroscopic invisible infinite world. Although the invisible world is more powerful but still most of us are lost in the physical world. Even the millennium development goals set by the United Nations don't talk about the development of the consciousness levels of the humanity in general and individual consciousness in particular. All the goals which the entire world is working to achieve is still coming from the physical world only. Unless we go to the source, we can never reach to the root cause of any problem or disease. Similarly if we think that human development can be achieved only by developing the physical and material world then we are working to achieve the level which is below 500 as per Hawkins scale of consciousness. I, therefore, believe that we need to redefine the millennium development goals in the light of achieving the consciousness level for each human being to be between 700 and 1000 in particular cases and humanity as a whole in general on the Hawkins scale of consciousness. 
I would like invite you all to participate in the Tenth International Conference on the main theme: "Millennium Development Goals: Challenges and Perspectives" at Szent Istvan University, Hungary from June 23-26, 2009 and deliberate in the discussions and contribute in the development of the humanity.

- Ajay Kr. Singh

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